姓名:林欣欣(Hsin-Hsin Lin) 職稱:副教授(Director, Associate Professor)兼系主任 | |
最高學歷:英國歐斯特大學護理哲學博士(PhD in Nursing, University of Ulster, UK) | |
專長:基本護理學(Principles of Fundamental Nursing )、專題實作(Project-based Course)、護理資訊(Nursing Informatics)、臨床模擬教學(Clinical Simulation Teaching)、OSCE客觀結構式臨床試驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination) | |
E-mail :hhlin@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:洪淑君(Shu-jiun Hong) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:國立彰化師範大學教育研究所博士(Ed.D. , Graduate Instutite of Education, R.O.C) | |
專長:社區衛生護理、課程與教學、創造力研究 (Community Health Nursing, Curriculum and Instruction, Creativity Research) | |
E-mail :sjhong@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:吳國宏(Wu, Kuo-Hung) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:香港珠海大學中文所博士(Chu Hai College of Higher Education(Ph. D.)) | |
專長:中國文學、應用文(Chinese literature,Practical Writing) | |
E-mail :gohome@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:詹聖慶(Chan, Sheng-Ching) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:高雄醫學大學藥學所博士班(PhD candidate, School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University) | |
專長:普通化學、有機與生物化學、天然物化學(General chemistry, Organic and Biochemistry,Natural product chemistry) | |
E-mail :scchan@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:吳秀鳳(Wu, Hsiu-Feng) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:中國文學碩士( Master of Chinese Literature) | |
專長:古典文學--筆記小說、中文閱讀與書寫、生命教育、正念教學者 | |
E-mail :sfwu@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:方國璋(Kuo-Chang Fang) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:高雄醫學大學藥學博士 (PhD , School of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung Medical University) | |
專長:藥理學、生理學、藥物治療學、中藥學(Pharmacology, Physiology, Drug Therapy, Chinese herbology ) | |
E-mail :kjfang@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:黃柏森(Po-Sen Huang) 職稱:副教授(Associate Professor) | |
最高學歷:美國聖荷西州立大學教學科技碩士(M.A. in Instructional Technology, San Jose State University, California.) 國立成功大學工程科學所博士候選人(Ph.D. Candidate, Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.) | |
專長:健康資訊學,線上社群學習, 國際化課程設計, 跨文化學習研究, 藥護臨床客觀性結構測驗電子化平台 | |
E-mail :phuang@tajen.edu.tw --- more ~~個人網站 | |
姓名:陳凱莉(Kai-Li Chen) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor) | |
最高學歷:國立成功大學醫學院護理系國際博士班 | |
專長:內外科護理、基本護理學、老人護理、腫瘤、癌症護理、護理報告 | |
E-mail : kellychen@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:陳瑞娥(Jui-O Chen) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor) | |
最高學歷:高雄醫學大學護理學系博士班畢 (PhD, school of nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University) | |
專長:內外科護理、安寧療護、醫護倫理學、復健護理學 (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Hospice Nursing, Medical and Nursing Ethics, Rehabilitation Nursing) | |
E-mail :juiobest@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:張淑女(Chang, Shu-Nu) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor)兼副主任 | |
最高學歷:英國威爾斯大學護理研究所(現屬卡地夫大學) (Master Degree in Nursing, University of Wales College of Medicine ) | |
專長:內外科護理、重症護理、身體檢查與評估 (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Physical Examination and Assessment) | |
E-mail :name@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:李小璐(Hsiao Lu, Li) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor)兼副主任 | |
最高學歷:國立陽明大學護理研究所博士班(PhD of nursing, National Yang Ming University, Nursing school) | |
專長:護理倫理、婦產科護理、健康促進、社區服務(Nursing ethics, OBS & GYN nursing, Health promotion, Community service) | |
E-mail :lulu@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:謝春滿(Chun-Man Hsieh) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor) | |
最高學歷:國防醫學院護理研究所 (Master Degree in Nursing, National Defense Medical Center) 慈濟大學醫學研究所博士候選人 (PhD Candidate, Institute of Medical Sciences, Tzu-Chi University) | |
專長:內外科護理、老人護理、護理報告撰寫 (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Gerontological Nursing, Nursing paper writing) | |
E-mail :cmhsieh@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:江曉菁(Chiang, Hsiao-Ching) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor) | |
最高學歷:台大護理碩士(Master Degree, National Taiwain University) | |
專長:婦產科護理、婦女健康、護理導論、中醫護理學、藥膳學、另類療法、藝術治療 (Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Women's Health, Introduction of Nursing, Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing, Chinese medicated Diet) | |
E-mail :sjjiang@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:温孟娟 ( Meng-Chuan Wen ) 職稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor)兼教學品保--課程組長 | |
最高學歷:英國利物浦大學護理研究所碩士(Master's Degree in Nursing, The University of Liverpool, UK) | |
專長:內外科護理、重症護理、腫瘤護理 (Medical-Surgical Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Oncology Nursing) | |
E-mail :jamie@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:陳優環(Chen, Yu Huan) 職稱:講師(RN, Lecturer)兼招生組長 | |
最高學歷:中國醫藥大學護理研究所婦幼護理組碩士(Graduate institute of nursing) | |
專長:兒科護理(Pediatric nursing) | |
E-mail :yp3996@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |
姓名:林靜幸(Lin, Ching-Hsing) 職稱:講師(Lecturer) | |
最高學歷:高雄醫學大學護理研究所碩士 (Master Degree, college of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University) | |
專長:精神科護理、心理衛生、職涯發展 (Psychiatric Nursing, Mental Health, Career development) | |
E-mail : linch@tajen.edu.tw --- more | |